Holiday Travel Discounts
October 6, 2015
Going on holiday is great but planning is necessary to turn it into the adventure of a lifetime. Holidays are about seeing new places and doing exciting things. Sometimes holiday travel can be an expensive exercise though.
There are a few rules to follow to make the most of your time of relaxation.
The first is to plan. Think about the holiday. Great holidays start with your imagination, Decide where you want to go, how long you will stay there and what you want to see.
Are you the adventurous type? Get a travel guide en scan the outdoor activities available in your holiday destination.
An important factor that you should not overlook is timing. If you plan to go in peak holiday season you will have book early.
Finally make sure that you have your Hotels etc membership ready or if you do not have one, apply as soon as possible. Then start your search for great accommodation at their website.
Over the years millions of people have learnt how to find the best accommodation for a holiday at the best price. The key to that is of course Hotels etc. As a member you get great discounts that are not available to the general public at hotels, condos and resorts, Hotels etc are proud of the fact that the prices they have negotiated are the lowest available. They believe discounts of five or ten percent is simply no discount at all. Their members can sometimes stay at half the price quoted to the general public or in many cases even less.
With many places of accommodation all over the world to choose from when you plan your holiday travel, the sky is the limit for the holidaymaker. Members get these fairs because Hotels etc have established themselves as a hotel club with negotiating power determined to cut prices for their members.
Finding great holiday accommodation at a price that is more that reasonable is one thing but to enjoy yourself you have to visit places. Whether you want to go to the theatre or the movies or visit a theme park or maybe go skiing you need transport to get there.
To rent a car is expensive and making use of public transport if available is not really the answer. Hotels etc. realized that and their services do not stop at finding discounted accommodation. They have also negotiated great discounts on rental cars.
If you want to go on a cruise during your holiday travel use your membership card to sail away at a dream price. So if you are planning your next holiday travel then you owe it to yourself to check out
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