Just a note about Travel Clubs
January 21, 2012
Travel clubs and membership clubs are a sure way to save money if you are with the right organization. There are several companies out there that say they have private negotiated discounts but once you join the program you discover the discounts are no different than what is available on Google.
Hotels Etc travel club only offers private negotiated discounts. Our discounts on not available to the general public and if we find out they are then we delete them from our database. We are not in business to take a yearly renewal fee or to get filthy rich off our members, we are in business to help you save money. Let’s think about this for a minute. The Hotels Etc. lifetime gold membership card is valid for life with no renewal fees or annual dues ever. This means we need to keep our system clean to help us reduce customer service. With this being said we monitor, negotiate and research our own discounts to be sure we only bring you top notch savings. Most companies charge annual dues or renewal fees, why, so they can get richer? To learn more about joining Hotels Etc. please visit members.hotelsetc.com/join_now
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